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Faebook Group Directory: Computers

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1 Hackathon Hackers3461388650This is the all-inclusive hackathons group. Read this first: hh.gd/etiquette /** SUBGROUPS **/ Only post job/internship ads in HH Job Listings (hh.gd/jobs) Giveaways should be posted in HH Free Stuff (hh.gd/freestuff). HH Blog Posts: hh.gd/blogposts HH Book Club: hh.gd/bookclub HH Code Reviews: hh.gd/codereview HH Coding: hh.gd/coding HH Connect: hh.gd/connect HH Constructive Debates: hh.gd/debate HH Data Hackers: hh.gd/data HH Design: hh.gd/design HH Freelance: hh.gd/freelance HH Free Stuff
2 Modders Anonymous338178450International network of Modders, gamers, and general PC users. If you're looking to Buy, Sell, or Trade hardware or software, Go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ma.traders/
3 Computer Information In Urdu3264538150No Bad Comment No Fight Only Help 1=Welcome to all our new members. Have fun, share your posts related to hacking 2= This Group is Designed For hacking tricks. 3= If Anyone Found Misbehaving , Abusing , Fighting & Unethical Post Including Group Links [ without admin permission ] , You Will Be Kicked Out Or Banned From Group Without Any Notification. 4= Don't Make Fun On others. Always Give Respect .Try To In Touch With Your other group members . 5= No Discussion Is Allowed On Religious facts
4 #Op India 不遑寧處29637400Learn Basic Of Hacking / Website Hacking / Dos Attack / Botnet / Exploit Writting / Metasploit / BackDooring / Footprinting / Malware Attack / Rainbow Table Attack / Reconnaissance / Zero Day / Direct OS Code Injection / Xss / Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards / MitM DNS Rebinding SSL/TLS Wildcards / DNS Rebinding On Java Applets / Re-Visiting JAVA De-Serialization / Posting Raw XML Cross-Domain / Attacking HTTPS With Cache Injection / Next Generation Clickjacking / Internal Port Scanning Via C
5 Computer Security and Hacking23435850Visit this website http://savajinfotech.com/ www.6hacker66.blogspot.com contact savajparth6@gmail.com
6 Windows 7228175700Welcome to the best and the largest Windows 7 discussion group on Facebook! Share latest technologies from your favorite companies here.
7 Hacking Tricks16934225EthicalHavoc.net is a blogging site which provides its users all the latest, popular and hidden tricks, tips and hacks for Operating Systems like Windows and Mac.,... Smart Phones like Android and Iphone,.... Symbian Mobiles like Nokia, Sony ericsson,and Samsung.... and Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus,... and Lots more
8 Windows Phone 8.1 BR126123150Grupo destinado a todos que possuem Windows Phone ou que desejam adquirir, e que querem tirar dúvidas, compartilhar dicas e novidades. Antes de entrar leia as seguintes regras: 1) É permitido somente publicações relacionadas ao Windows Phone e Windows. 2) Respeite os membros e administradores, não aceitamos brigas e discussões nesse grupo. 3) Não é permitido palavrões, palavras de baixo calão, racismo, bullying ou outras formas de denegrir um membro desse grupo. 4) Não é permitido
9 WORLDWIDE HACKERS10112525DDOSERS WORLDWIDE HACKERS WORLDWIDE *********** RULES !!!! ************ 1-ALLOWED LANGUAGES: ENGLISH & ARABIC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-YOU SHOULD PARTICIPATE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3- HELP EACH OTHER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4- SHARING OTHER TOOLS OR LINKS IS FORBIDDEN --------------------------------
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